Explore the Proposal

For the past four years, citizens in the GMUG region conducted field work and mapping, ran ecological analyses, and organized community conversations to identify those special places on the GMUG National Forest that deserve more conservation.

The result is a Community Conservation Proposal.  The Community Proposal, if adopted, would conserve ecosystems that are severely under-protected and vulnerable, protect key habitats for rare and imperiled species, enhance landscape connectivity for species movement and survival, safeguard regional drinking water sources, and provide great outdoor recreation. It includes a combination of recommended Special Management Areas (SMAs) and wilderness, and has been designed by local citizens to emphasize conservation values and sustain existing recreational uses.

Interactive Map of the Community Proposal

The purple, green, and blue areas make up the community proposal.  Click on the individual areas to learn more.  Yellow depicts inventoried roadless lands, light brown depicts existing Wilderness.  The map also includes areas recommended in the Gunnison Public Lands Initiative (GPLI), a separate community initiative whose area recommendations have been endorsed by the Community Conservation Proposal.